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To buy a house in Biokovo

We began to help the elderly owners bring firewood, carry water, buy pills. After the owner’s death, the grandchildren put the house up for sale. They did it reluctantly: they understood perfectly well that it was a family nest, but they themselves could not travel, and the building was falling apart.

We decid to buy a house to receive guests there

Then pass it on to the children. There are only about 50 houses in Byokhovo rarely is anything sold: this is “golden land”, the territory of a nature reserve, where everything is associat with the artist Vasily Polenov. Nothing new can be built. Natalia Shumakova, owner of the Bekhovo Estate  in 2017, the family sold an apartment in Moscow for 7.5 million rubles.

This money was not enough for the renovation

They had to take out a loan, which the Shumakovs are still paying off. The owners of the villa do not disclose how much they had to invest in the renovation. Materials on the topic With a French Accent: How to Open a Guest House with Antiques in a fantuan phone number Merchant’s Mansion The Bushmarinov family restor an ancient building in Rostov the Great and turn it into a luxury hotel.


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“Give things a second life”

When the new owners began renovations, they discover many interesting items. Natalia Shumakova recalls that things seem to “appear and come testimonials and your portfolio are two essential out of the shadows.” It turn out that the house was fill with curiosities – antique dishes and furniture, books, carpets and spinning wheels. The Sorokins’ grandchildren were suppos to collect the inheritance, but they never got around to it.

Then the idea of ​​building a guest house was born

Then we thought, why not rent it out? We gave everything a second life: we sand the chairs and match the color to the wallpaper, sent the carpets to the dry usa data cleaners, clean the dishes and porcelain figurines. There was a completely awful sofa it seem like it was just ready to burn, but we clean it, upholster it with new fabric.

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