sections than to create submenus. However, if your activity requires a very detailed tree structure (for e-commerce sites in particular), present it in the form. T of a mega menu. The advantage of a mega menu is to make the site tree more readable because all categories and. T subcategories of the menu are visible at once. It is also more aesthetic and clear. 4- A RESPONSIVE MENU Of course, your menu must be “responsive” meaning it must adapt to all screen sizes.
Use a Hamburger menu for mobile versions
– Sticky menu The sticky menu is a menu that taiwan phone number data stays stuck above the screen when you scroll down the page. Its advantages: Facilitates. T navigation when pages are long, with a lot of content Allows visitors to navigate more quickly since it always remains present on the page If the logo is integrated into the menu (in the middle for example).
It remains visible which significantly
increases the probability that the visitor will examples of great email messages to thank your customers remember it. Its disadvantages: Takes up space on the page and leaves less space for content Sometimes irritating and distracting for the visitor who always has it in front of their eyes Problem of adaptability to small screens Sure, if your pages are long, this menu improves the user experience. But if they are not.
it is often superfluous. NB: You will notice that many bulk lead themes include a small box with an arrow at the bottom of the page. Clicking on it will take you back to the menu directly without having to scroll. Summary for creating an optimized menu As you can see, all these points are important and must be analyzed before creating your site’s menu . It is really important to think carefully about creating an optimized menu because it helps the visitor find information quickly on your site.
This encourages them to go further by contacting you for an interview or a quote request. Amélie, independent web designer. I help you create your showcase site from the graphic charter to its launch. Once the site is finished, I will show you how to take charge of your site so that you are autonomous