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Your Cost Per Conversion Will

Conversely your cost per conversion will go up for every point below average your quality score. It’s worth pointing out that I didn’t find a big difference in average conversion rate with quality score. I found that keywords with high quality scores have only slightly higher conversion rates than keywords with low quality scores. The takeaway is that lower cpas are primarily due to lower cpcs which is a direct result of quality score.

If You Don’t Want to

Hey! If you don’t want to read the whole article right now why not download it in a format to read on a train, plane or anywhere else without internet? How quality score is calculat hopefully by now you’re convinc that quality score has a huge impact on most of the important metrics in your account. So how does google calculate this magical quality score? A simple plot of quality score vs. Ctr for hundrs of campaigns reveals a pretty tight relationship between the two.

Quality Score Data Basically Says

The quality score data basically says that the higher your ctr the higher your quality score. However there is still some noise here due to variance. What actually happens is that ctr varies with average position. Higher ad positio spam number data ns are prone to higher ctrs and lower ad positions are just as prone to lower ctrs. The same data looks like this when I consider different ad positions quality score vs.

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Notice That at a Constant

Position notice that at a constant ctr there is a negative correlation between average position and account quality score, with the regression moving upwards as position increases. This makes sense – if the ad in position has the sa or if they do, it’s probably by mistake because me ctr as the ad in position then the ad in position is likely to have better relevance and thus a higher ctr. As before, there are diminishing returns to improvement; improving from to will improve more than improving from to or to .

Above Chart Shows That the

The above chart sh brazil data ows that the higher the position, the faster the returns diminish. So improving the ctr of the third position ad from to will improve by about while the same improvement for the st position ad will only improve by about . For the top four positions, the correlation between the two variables is about . In lower positions and below, this correlation decreases to about . This suggests that other issues such as poor landing page relevance or ad relevance may have a greater impact on their poor performance.

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