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You are about to create your website

All nice and slick, you (or your webmaster) work really hard for it. But now you need content. Something to fill it with, describe your activity, make it live. At first glance, it’s simple. Very simple, in fact: write blog articles, two or three descriptions and that’s it, it’s done! The good joke. After a few days, weeks or months, you realize that it takes time.

That you can’t get the sentences

to be as clear on your screen as in your head. Worse, that singapore phone number data no one reads your articles. So your beautiful site ends up relegated to the 2nd , 3rd page of Google results. All this work for nothing? No, don’t worry, a web editor should be able to fix that. Web editor Help, I’m not on the first page of Google! Come on, without false modesty, admit that your wildest dream would be to see your site appear in the first results.

Phone Number Data

This is not at all the case today

Your website is rather relegated to the depths of the what about email marketing web. Besides, did you know that 75% of users do not click on the 2nd page of results ? Suffice to say that your number of monthly visits is not a dream… The remedy for this? Work on your natural referencing, also called SEO for those in the know. An experienced web editor can even do a small content audit for you.

so as to know which articles to optimize, and what bulk lead content to produce to please Google’s algorithm. Thus, by collaborating with an editor, you will have the pleasure of seeing your site gradually rise to one day reach the sacrosanct Grail: the first position of the SERP! Help, I don’t know what to write! At first, you thought that having a blog was easy. Besides, everyone has a blog, and you like writing.

Except that once again, reality catches up with you. After 2 months, you have trouble finding ideas. After 6 months, it’s barely an article every month. And after a year… there’s an echo because your blog section is so empty. Here too, the web editor can help you! With this famous little content audit, he will already have a good idea of ​​the keywords on which to position your site. But in addition, by working on your editorial strategy, he will know exactly what content your community expects. The icing on the cake: he will take care of writing them for you! A little help structuring my articles?

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