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Will the programming elite spend this summer under a tent?

A unique ucational project not only within the Czech Republic, but possibly the whole of Europe, was jointly prepar for this summer by several successful Czech Internet companies. Twenty-five talent programmers will get the opportunity to spend eight weeks under the care of top lecturers. In the amazing premises of the xPORT accelerator in Prague, they can acquire knowlge that others have been collecting for several years for free. All it takes is a “little thing”, to succe in the admission procure.


The project call Code Camp 2015 is an event organiz together with partner companies such as Slevomat, StartupJobs and WebExpo. This is an intensive ucational camp model after the American ApAccademy.io or Recurse.com. The only difference is that the courses are completely free and the studies are sponsor by partner companies.


 On behalf of the sponsors of

the project that the idea of ​​Code Camp arose from the obvious disparity between the number of high-quality programmers and life situations that today are solv with the help of systems and applications. “All you have to do is realize that every web service nes software, every e-shop, every website. Facebook or Google ne thousands of programmers. One should learn one’s native language, at least one world language and one computer language. I think that people who learn to think in algorithms and express themselves in a computer language will have a successful career. What occupations will remain in the singapore phone number data future when most of the work is done by computers? The scissors are opening and universities don’t have time to react,” explains Raška, why his company also decid to financially support Code Camp.


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As the project manager

To us, this course is intend for anyone, regardless of age, gender or ucation, who wants to advance their knowlge by an order of magnitude and start a career in IT. “We are looking for talent, especially among novice programmers. It’s kind of the X Factor for developers, only without performing in front of an audience. Code Camp can be a career turning point for many of them. The moment they move from the anonymous they are there, perhaps even before crowd to the elite.” he adds, clarifying that no deep programming knowlge is requir to enter the camp. The entrance test should focus on logical thinking, motivation and prerequisites for the work of a cmo email list programmer. However, the courses themselves require at least a basic level of PHP and JavaScript. The first year, which starts on July 20 in Prague, will focus on the development of web applications.

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