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Will the algorithm update burn the tricks of seo shamans?

The Czech internet search engine Seznam.cz announces a new algorithm update, which is suppos to mix up the search results. It was given the working name Jalapeňo, and thanks to it, websites with valuable content should be prioritiz at the expense of webspam. According to estimates, it will affect up to 25% of the search phrases and 2% of the results in the first positions will be chang. This is one of the activities that will contribute to the fact that the user finds what he is really looking for in the first offer result.

“We have been working on improving

search quality for a long time. We do our best to offer people a relevant answer to the first good one. By deploying a modification package that we internally call Jalapeño, we will favor pages with quality content in the ranking of search results. To put it simply, we consider original copyright content to be such, which provides the user with add value in the form of e.g. information or entertainment,” describes Radovan Šesták, product manager of the service.

What is webspam according to the List?
“Typical examples are content farms, websites aggregating purely PR articles, MFA/MFM or doorway pages,” says Šesták and adds, “we are also preparing other deployments that will focus in more detail on websites using unfair optimization techniques, we most often encounter, for example, overoptimiz texts, unnatural links or an unnatural link profile.”

Jalapeño List – Czech Google Panda and Penguin?

The world-famous Google Panda and Pinguin algorithm updates took place several years ago. They affect worldwide search results and end a lot of projects bas on link farms, spam link building and other tricks to improve the position in the SERP. On the contrary, they aim to strengthen quality content projects. The list will probably not affect projects around the world, but it is still a widely us search engine in the Czech Republic. And even that can be influenc. It was rumor in SEO circles that it requir brute force. For example, more links, more occurrences of KW in exact match, keywords includ in the domain and other similar tricks. But the creators of the algorithms decid to end it.

What percentage of websites will the update affect?
This change only affects natural switzerland phone number data search results, it has no effect on advertising positions. It will only appear in a quarter of searches, which the fulltext team estimates will result in an adjustment to the first position in 2% of searches.

phone number data

Let us add that the term webspam refers to purpose-built pages whose sole purpose is to make money by rirecting or deceiving the user or by selling links and advertising space. “Typical therefore, marketing work on social examples are content farms, websites aggregating purely PR articles, MFA/MFM or doorway sites,” clarifies Šesták and adds, “we are also preparing cmo email list other deployments that will focus in more detail on websites using unfair optimization techniques, we most often encounter, for example, overoptimiz texts, unnatural links or an unnatural link profile.”

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