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We visited the seminar Copyright in practice II

21 most interesting topics.On May 13, 2015, the Copyright in Practice seminar was held in the ÚTIA lecture hall of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in Prague 8. The seminar was organiz by Elektro magazine under the auspices of the FCC Public publishing house and the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic. The seminar follow the event organiz a year earlier in May. This year, he focus on the functioning of copyright in the Internet environment and issues relat to the digitization of copyright works and the handling of their digital copies, but he also touch on the general regulation of copyright and most of the areas that are regulat traditionally.


The seminar was intend mainly for itors and itors, operators of websites and portals, owners and responsible employees of publishing houses, employees of libraries and archives, teachers, but also creative professions or lawyers specializing in intellectual property.

The introductory part JUDr

provid an overview of the current regulation of copyright protection and drew attention to the changes that took place last November in connection with the amendment to the Copyright Act. Furthermore, the interpretation focus on the practical application of the most important provisions of copyright regulations, and on the possibilities of not infringing the rights to copyright works.JUDr. Adéla Faladová

JUDr. Faladová stat at the very beginning of her contribution that copyright should be part of wider public awareness, especially because with the development of the Internet, sooner or later everyone comes into contact with copyright either as a user or as an author.

Thanks to its specific features

Such as the availability and publishability of practically any content in a short period of time, the Internet represents an environment with completely new conditions. The ease of copying, iting and sharing a variety of materials in digital form has open up new possibilities for spreading and using them without much effort and with minimal input costs. It is often forgotten that copyright applies to them as the results of creative activity. Online publishing ruces the economic utility of author’s works, while many creators rely on the economic effect of their author’s activity. To this day, it is largely an unsolv problem, because no one has yet found an swen phone number data answer to the question of how to at least approach the level of protection of copyright works in such an environment as they enjoy in the classical sense.

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On the other hand, a large circle of you can access data and other people appear who welcom the democracy of the Internet, do not want strict protection of their works, and on the contrary, they would cmo email list like to spread them more freely or completely without restrictions. Therefore, new types of licenses have emerg, such as Creative Commons. A separate chapter is to find the right model for the lending regime in libraries, regarding the digitiz parts of their collections.


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