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The user views a product

Using GTM, we trigger a product_view event when  page. If we set this event as a key event, all sessions that fall into product would be interactive.

Practical examples: applying sessions with interaction in different contexts

To better understand how interactive sessions can impact your reporting, let’s consider three practical examples from different industries. What follows are just examples. It doesn’t mean that this is the solution for every industry (in fact, there is not much of a relationship between using interactive sessions and business industries):

In a hotel, we could use both sessions and sessions with interaction in our reports

Imagine you manage a hotel website. Here, you could analyse sessions and sessions with engagement to get a clear view of the quality of your traffic. Total sessions will give you an idea of ​​the volume of visits, but by comparing this to sessions with engagement, you can understand how many of those visits actually took an interest in exploring botim database your site, for example by checking out the rooms, amenities pages or booking a stay.

special data


Your reports would be directed

To sessions but always with that nuance that better explains which of them were useless.

2. In a book store, we could use the conversion funnel
In the case of an online store, say a book store, the 5 b2c lead generation techniques that drive conversions approach might be a conversion funnel. Here, we flesh out the different steps of the funnel. We would start with total sessions, followed by those that included interaction such as viewing more than.

One book or adding products

To the cart, and finally see how many of those sessions interacted with a key event, such as making a purchase. This analysis allows you to identify where in usa data the process users drop off, helping you optimize each step of the funnel.

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