Home » Blog » The use of voice assistants has grown and SEO must adapt to this type of search by following Voice Search Optimization strategies.

The use of voice assistants has grown and SEO must adapt to this type of search by following Voice Search Optimization strategies.

Siri, Alexa, Cortana… They are already familiar names and some are part of your life when it comes to searching the internet, choosing a song or making a call. The use of voice assistants has gained a lot of popularity in recent years and these are the tips you should keep in mind to apply them to SEO .

What is voice search

Search methods have changed in a short time, and although the search intent has not changed, the means have. Voice search is a technology that allows users to search the Internet using voice commands . This way of giving orders has become a fast and convenient method, transforming the way we find information, make purchases or organize our lives. Some of the best-known voice assistants are:

Alexa , from Amazon
Siri , from Apple
Cortana , from Microsoft
Bixby , by Samsung
Google Home or Google Assistant
Differences between voice search and written search
The main difference between voice and writing is clear, as they are two different ways of communicating. Beyond obvious differences, it is important to consider that if written communication is based on the use of keywords, in voice communication queries are formulated as they would be in an everyday conversation .

On the other hand, in written content, the user can choose w france telegram data hich result to click on, while the voice assistant is the one who makes this decision by displaying a single result . Positioning is important because  first result and this means that SEO must be optimized for voice searches.

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What is Voice Search Optimization?
The term Voice Search Optimization, or VSO, ref additionally, there are some solutions that ers to strategies for optimizing these searches bw lists  through voice .


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