How much does it cost to promote a channel in Telegram? How to make money on it? And why you need to drop everything and urgently start a channel in Telegram. In this article I will tell you how we got 1,575 subscribers to our channel in 6 months and whether it was worth promoting it at all through seeding (buying ads) in Telegram. Nice to meet you! My name is Marina, I am an internet marketer. Together with my husband Alexander, we have been professionally engaged in the purchase of advertising in Telegram and the promotion of Telegram channels since 2021, which we write about in the Stolupina channel | PRO Telegram
This article is a logical continuation of this one
Case of purchasing in telegram marketing for an expert on autofunnels. For those who don’t know, here’s a little background. An expert who teaches how to create autofunnels approached us for professional help, in search of an additional source of traffic and with a desired subscriber cost of no more than 120 rubles (subscriber to the bot). We started working with a test purchase of advertising in the summer of 2023, the budget was only 10,000 rubles, but this was enough to “test” the new traffic channel, to understand that it was cheaper than other advertising channels working for the client at that time. Continue working and in two weeks find the “ideal combination” and reach indicators almost 2.5 times lower than the test purchase.
The client was satisfied and we moved into long-term cooperation
For reference, today the Telegram platform provides the most profitable traffic among other advertising channels. There is a lot of active, solvent and thinking audience here. And for every ruble invested, it is easy to get a return of x2-x5 and higher. In second place is YouTube. And if YouTube is expensive in terms of content production, then Telegram is not so demanding.
And since traffic pays off well, there are more and more channels in Telegram every day.
There are 2 monetization schemes
Developing a channel for selling advertising the impact of bing’s rising popularity on it (advertising platform) or promoting a channel, for example, an expert channel for selling its services or products.
The second option is more profitable in terms of money. It has a higher income and the first money can be seen already in the first month of channel development, even if there are very few subscribers. By the way, running an author’s channel and sometimes advertising there, and even in a native presentation, as marketers in the tone of voice of the channel say, is also an excellent option, and also the most profitable. The exhaust from advertising can be directed to attracting subscribers, and therefore to further growth of the channel. In the first option, you need to create a network of channels and promote them all in order to receive adequate income.
Let’s return to promoting the expert’s Telegram channel
Our task was to generate traffic to the bot, and there gmx email list was already a funnel with closure for diagnostics. As the percentage of installment plan approvals fell closer to autumn, selling products with a high check became problematic, and for some time the expert and I switched to selling products with different checks, and focused on the constant growth of the audience, the cost of a subscription to the bot and to the channel. Well, we began to experiment with funnels in the bot, which provide profitable traffic.
Let me clarify once again. When promoting the client’s channel, we drove traffic to the Telegram bot, and from there transferred it to the channel. Between the stages of the funnel in the bot, there was an invitation to subscribe to the expert’s channel. We implemented additional tools to increase the number of subscribers to the channel. Such as a subscribe button to the channel on the page after purchasing a low-check product (tripwire). An additional pop-up window when closing the site page with an invitation to subscribe to the channel.