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SEM brand by delegating said

Let’s take as an example that one of the establish lines of analysis is to understand whether it is feasible to ruce spending on  traffic to SEO. In this case, if we use a simplification of a methodology that we use at Ikaue, we can define that the data and context relevant to said line of analysis is as follows.

As you can see, this way of working

On each line of analysis individually and defining the data/context necessary to resolve it, makes future data processing easier. It is also very important that when we choose the necessary data, we focus only on the essential data.

We know what data we ne

Now we have to get it It is important to note that the data we ne to solve each line of analysis determines the ingrients/sources we are going to ne. In addition, these ingrients may be available from the start or we may have to work a little line data harder to obtain them. In any case, it never hurts to put all this into context.


special data


To plan the process of obtaining ingrients sources

The following screenshot shows a practical case of this, bas on the line of analysis of understanding whether SEM Brand spending can be ruc in a friend that explains how favor of SEO without harming the business. Some ingrients are easier to obtain Each ingrient we ne involves some type of action to obtain it, for example in the case of GSC it makes things easier for us.

To obtain it, as it gives us up

To three modalities which are: Download data in CSV format from GSC interface Loading GSC data into Google Sheets from a plugin Load GSC data into BigQuery with the official export However, what appears simplest is not always the best, so depending usa data on the level of quality requir for the data, you will have to evaluate what suits you best. Obtaining other ingrients is more complex.

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