How can you make sure you won’t be deceived with statistics and access? In this article, together with experts, we talk about four criteria by which you Buying telegram channels can evaluate a channel before buying, and how to interact with the channel’s old audience so that it doesn’t run away.
More than 36% of Telegram channel owners created them only in 2023, and another 27% – a year ago. That is, 63% of all channels appeared in the last year and a half. It is not difficult to imagine how high the competition for subscribers and their attention to content is now. Developing a new channel from scratch is difficult and expensive, and if you promote for free, then the audience is gained very slowly.
When is it worth buying a ready-made Telegram channel, and when is it better to create a new one from scratch
The main fear when buying a channel is to waste money: buy a dead blog, lose access, fail to promote, etc. You can cope with all this if you carefully read the advice in our article. Another question is whether you have money not only to buy, but also to promote the channel? Without a marketing budget, it will be difficult to keep a ship afloat with an already built audience and attract new ones. There is a risk of drowning.
Therefore, we suggest that you honestly answer the questions according to the diagram below – this way you will understand whether it is worth buying the channel now.
Not all experts support the idea of buying telegram blast channels, as they believe that there are few real reasons to buy a ready-made blog rather than create your own. Among them are buying a business together with its social networks or buying a channel as a separate business that you do not plan to change – only to receive income from it.
Pros and Cons of Buying a Telegram Channel: What to Prepare for
You can launch advertising right away. Since the channel is already filled with content and designed. The channel as a whole may end up dead – you’ll have to start from scratch, as if you were creating a new channel. You can also sell your products right away. The channel already has an audience for this. There is a risk of running into scammers and losing money. Possible unsubscribes due to changes in content or channel author – some bloggers have a very loyal audience
Let’s be honest: buying a good Telegram channel with real subscribers is expensive
There is only one advantage to buying a Telegram channel: at the start, you can get a large audience to work with. But there are many more disadvantages:
- It is necessary to run the channel exactly as its previous owner did, because it was the author’s style that attracted the audience.
- Not all subscribers of a purchased channel are your target audience. Therefore, with any attempt to change the subject, style of the channel or the abundance of sales and informational posts about your business, you can lose up to 90% of old subscribers.
- Running a purchased channel is much more difficult – it’s akin to guerrilla marketing. By creating a channel from scratch, you can start talking about your business from the very first post and generally dedicate each post to your company’s activities. With a purchased channel, you will have to be more flexible and constantly make sure that materials about your business or product do not stand out from the rest of the content that the channel’s audience reads.
Which channel is worth Buying telegram channels and which is not – 4 criteria for evaluation
Experts agree that buying an author’s channel 19 best email deliverability tools reviewed (2024 edition) is pointless – the audience usually subscribes to such blogs because of the author’s personal brand, his thoughts, expertise. Accordingly, when the author leaves, the audience leaves with him. Yes, in such channels subscribers are more active and involved, but do you need them if after some time most of them evaporate?
But there are fewer such problems with thematic channels. One marketer can buy a channel from another and continue telling subscribers about the same things they read here before. The change of owners may even go unnoticed by subscribers. For example, they may decide that the style of presentation of materials has changed because the author has changed his contractors: editor, SMM specialist, PR person or someone else.
How to work with the audience of a purchased channel so that it does not run away – 7 rules
Rule 1. Don’t focus on the fact that the channel is sold
There is no point in writing a separate gmx email list post like this: the channel is changing owners, thanks to everyone who was with us, let’s not go our separate ways, it will be great in the future. There is nothing good in this approach: the old audience will start leaving without waiting for changes, the new one is unlikely to trust those who bought a ready-made channel, and did not start developing it from scratch, as is customary. In general, there is no point in carefully hiding the change of owners, but you don’t need to talk about it yourself either.
Rule 2. Do not change the channel’s theme and design abruptly
Users should recognize a channel they have been subscribed to for a long time in the chat list, otherwise they will simply stop visiting it and eventually delete it from their subscriptions.
All changes should be gradual: first, add Buying telegram channels new topics to the usual content, then update the logo, and then, if necessary, move on to the name. But it is better to warn subscribers about such changes, for example, in this format: “Don’t lose us! We have updated the channel avatar – now it has a yellow smiley face.”