The cost of creating a website on Bitrix is calculated individually and depends on the customer’s requirements. The following parameters play a large role in determining the price: type of project, complexity in creating a design, amount of content. Depending on these kenya phone number list parameters, the terms of work are also determined. On average, the creation period on Bitrix is 2-3 months, the cost is about 200,000 rubles.
Do you provide warranty service? Yes, there is warranty service after launch. Its duration depends on the features, but on average it is 2 months.
For which sites is Bitrix suitable? The Bitrix system is universal, it is suitable for creating any sites, from a business card to an online store with a large assortment. The only difference will be in the choice of CMS license.
How does our web studio work?
Our web studio provides comprehensive work with websites, the goal of our company is high efficiency of the business as a whole. For creation and promotion, our specialists use different tools. We conclude an agreement with each client, which specifies the terms, cost and stages of work on creating a website on Bitrix. It is necessary to order development services only from trusted companies with a large staff of highly specialized specialists. Advertising Labeling Rules: The Main Thing in Four Points
Publishing advertising content on the Internet involves interacting with different people and specialists. Since September 2023, data on advertising your product or service must be submitted to Roskomnadzor so that it is stored in a single system. More: frank provided
What needs to be labeled
The main innovation is that any advertising post, including targeted ones, that users of the Russian Federation see must be labeled. Any post and Internet information posted for the purpose of advertising by individuals, individual entrepreneurs, and legal entities must be labeled. Any “advertising creative” must be labeled: photos, videos, short texts with the purpose of popularizing powder data a product or service. That is, even if you post on the VK social network and write that you can buy or order a service, this post also requires labeling. The article sets out the provisions that determine what is considered advertising on the Internet.
information addressed to an indefinite number of persons with data about a service or product;
information aimed at generating interest in the product and the desire to promote it.
All marking data must be transferred to the Unified Register of Internet Advertising. This can only be done through the advertising data operator. It does not matter whether the advertisement was purchased for money. Therefore, placed for free or by barter – it must be marked.
The exception is social advertising, radio and television advertising, which is posted online without changes. Such entries on the Internet are not subject to labeling.
When posting any advertising post on the Internet, you must write the word “Advertisement”. It is also necessary to post information about the employer: the name of the company or the company’s details. In addition, each targeted advertising post has an individual token. The identifier is a clickable link by clicking. Therefore, on which you can find out information about who posted the advertising post.