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EMMS 2016: Relive every minute of this mega event

Sun Romeo
Sun Romeo
Chief Marketing Officer at fromDoppler. He loves British music, fashion and communications.

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EMMS 2016: Summary of the online Marketing conferences

EMMS, one of the most anticipated

A marketing events, celebrated its ninth edition with 9 luxury speakers, 8 innovative conference formats, a record number of registrations and thousands of attendees who did not take their eyes off their screens for a second.

And what happened on social media? They went crazy!  Even our hashtag #EMMS2016 was a Trending Topic in Mexico, Argentina, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Spain, Colombia, Peru and Venezuela . Can you believe it?

Now, let’s see what EMMS 2016 brought to the table ! We invite you to be part of the behind-the-scenes, what was experienced on social media and the most captivating moments of this event. Are you going to miss it?

8 completely different conferences
One of the novelties of this edition was the variety of conference formats . Beyond ws data  the topics, which were very interesting, the modalities in which they were presented were the main attraction of the event. The first day was opened by expert Paco Viudes who explained step by step “How to make a Marketing and Social Media plan” . A very useful topic for those  may the best man win who are just starting out in the online world or want to perfect their strategies.

This conference was followed by

Claudio Inacio ‘s talk , “How to get 50 thousand visits per month to your blog” . A success story to imitate!

Ana González Ortiz , a renowned Digital Marketing professional in Mexico and a great entrepreneur, took the lead and spoke about the “3 Keys to having the entrepreneur’s mindset” . A captivating motivational talk that was constantly replicated on social media. What are the knowledge and habits you should have to successfully undertake a business? Ana detailed it in her conference.

Have you not heard of this format? Our speaker told his professional growth supporting his narration with illustrations and drawings that will surprise you. To watch again and again!



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