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Creating an optimized menu is essential

Every website has a menu to allow visitors to navigate from one page to another . It is an essential element of a website that fully contributes to the good user experience of visitors . Indeed, your visitor must be able to quickly find the information they are looking for when they arrive on your site. Technically, creating a menu in WordPress is quite simple. However, some thought must be given before creating it and integrating it into your website.

Creating an optimized menu

THE LOCATION OF THE MENU IN THE SITE The menu switzerland phone number data should not be hidden . It is better to place it in a familiar place so that your visitor does not have to look for it. If this is the case, there is a good chance that he will leave your site prematurely.

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And this leads to high bounce rates

A high bounce rate means that your visitor, upon llama 3, Meta’s new ai is here  arriving on a page of your site, does not continue browsing to another page. High rates are not good indicators for Google. It considers that the user experience was not good and thus will not promote the natural referencing of the page.

THE CHOICE OF KEYWORDS Try to choose specific bulk lead terms for your different categories, using keywords for an optimized menu. Example: Instead of “Services”, choose “Individual Coaching – Team Coaching”. This is not always easy to do because the title of the sections must remain short. 3- THE STRUCTURE OF NAVIGATION  Think carefully about the order of the sections in the menu . Highlight those that seem most important to you.

Contact” will usually come last. You have to convince before being contacted.  Make sure your menus are not too long . The least visited sections should instead be at the bottom of the page such as: privacy policy, T&Cs, FAQs, etc.  Avoid putting Home as the first tab in your menu, it takes up unnecessary space . Instead, put a link to the Home page in your logo.  Don’t multiply submenus ; a drop-down menu that is too heavy discourages navigation.