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BarCamp is finally

Determining search pAs usual, the conference program is creat by the participants themselves. Until May 14, everyone could register for any lecture. From the following day until the end of May, the visitors themselves vote on who they want to see and hear speak at the event. Those with the most votes then get a chance to express themselves in front of others.

What is BarCamp?

Barcamp is an international network spain phone number data of open conferences and workshops, usually focusing on new trends in web applications, design, new technologies, mia, advertising, business and other relat fields.

phone number data

The non-conference format appear in the Czech Republic for the first time in 2010 in Vsetín, Wallachia, and then spread from its original topic to other fields. Now, for example, political additionally, there are some solutions that scientists, activists or beer fans organize barcamps in the Czech Republic.

The last BarCamp took place

on 23.5. at FIT in Brno and gave many interesting lectures on new technologies, marketing, applications, but also, for example, on how to properly cmo email list give a lecture or inspiration on how to approach unknown people on the street.

It is already quite clear that BarCamp in South Bohemia will be worth it.

More than 250 participants sign up for it, who are now choosing the


The Internet, in addition to bringing new possibilities for the dissemination of works that their authors would like to protect, also generates a large number of orphan works, where either the author or his heir is unknown. Another new problem that especially users of copyright works on the Internet have to deal with is territoriality. There is talk of a single digital European market, but the preparation process is complicat and will therefore take some time. A major amendment to the national copyright law is expect in April of next year, and it should somehow deal with these aspects as well.

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