After all, you ne to ensure that they go through all the steps properly, manage the right content to meet their nes, monitor the entire journey and make changes whenever necessary to facilitate reaching the final stretch.
With that in mind, today we’re going to introduce you to the concept of a sales funnel so you can understand once and for all how it works, as well as how to assign names like IQL and MQL to leads according to the funnel stage. Keep reading and check it out!
The sales funnel is a set of stages
That a user goes through before canada email list becoming a customer. When well manag, this method ensures that the processes are prictable and scalable. This facilitates decision-making when it comes to planning campaigns and the structure for acquiring new buyers.
With this system, you can track each part of the sale from the first search the person made until they find the solution that your company offers. It is a strategic model with which you can track results, know what is working and what nes to be improv to optimize sales. To understand better, learn about the 3 stages of the sales funnel:
Top of the funnel
At this stage, the user is it is very important to keep looking for information about a specific ne. In other words, they don’t yet know your company. Therefore, if you produce relevant content using techniques such as keyword optimization, it will be easily found in search engines .
Do you know what adb directory might happen next? The potential customer will read your articles, interact with other formats such as audio and video, and learn more about the potential problem. If they are satisfi with what they see, they will move to the middle of the funnel.