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Advanced segmentation and CRM: do you know how to make the most of your data?

Each Spaniard spent an average of 3,476 euros in online purchases in 2023 , according to data provid by the Cetelem Observatory’s 2023 eCommerce Study . These figures represent a 10% increase compar to the previous year and confirm a trend that continues to grow year after year and that shows the importance of companies being able to identify potential consumers in order to achieve the expect results.

In a digital market with

An infinite number of products, services and offers, being able to take advantage of different types of audiences in the digital strategy is a key element. To do so, it is essential to reach those who may really be interest in a particular brand and to know their nes. This is where advanc segmentation comes in, a formula that allows us to make the most of the huge amount of data we collect . A CRM or customer relationship manager is the ideal tool to achieve this.

What is advanc segmentation and how can a CRM help you achieve it?
When we talk about advanc segmentation in digital marketing, we are talking about establishing different specific audience niches that allow us to transmit the message in a personaliz way to those groups of people who are really interest in it . Accuracy in cambodia telegram data  identifying groups of individuals is the key to achieving the right impact on them.

Telegram data 

In order to know which

Specific groups are target, it is essential to be very clear about the objectives pursu with the plann campaign or action. It is no less important to und in addition to the feature of displaying erstand the characteristics that will guide the segmentation. It is possible to use different criteria, ranging from location to age or gender, as well as the interests and purchasing patterns observ in users.

Advanc segmentation allows you to clearly unde bw lists rstand your audience and adapt messages and strategies to it , saving resources and time and improving the effectiveness of marketing actions.

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