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A pillars of Emotional Marketing

Affective bond between brand and consumer : This is a key objective of this type of Campaign.
Experience / Sensations / Emotions : It is important that every Marketing strategy focuses on these aspects.
Lovemarks : These are brands that people fall in love with. Customers consume them, regardless of reason. For example, McDonalds or Coca Cola.
Content marketing : It is an essential tool within this strategy.
3- Emotional Marketing as a tool for our strategy
Élia distinguished two major aspects to take into account when defining the axes of this technique:


– What do we say?

– Who says so.

– How do we say it?

– For whom are we saying it?

– For what purpose do we say this?


– The important thing is not to create a non-existent need, but  overseas data   awaken a need that the user ignores .

– The consumer must identify with the story .

– You must capture the customer’s attention, and then make them fall in love with you .

On the other hand, it is essential to know the target audience in depth, in order to give emotional value to each Campaign. In this regard, Élia said that it will be the details we know about them that will make the difference with the competition.

4- Storytelling as an Emotional Marketing tool.

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“In a storytelling campaign, there are as many stories as there are people watching it”

Élia began this segment with this phrase, and then explained that each person who faces a story identifies with it in some way and makes it their own. To finish closing this concept, he quoted a great reference in the field:

“Marketing is no longer about the things you sell, but about the stories you tell.”

Seth Godin .

5- What should a story have to succeed?

It must excite, motivate and captivate from the beginning.
It must have dualities or knots.
You must have a Leimotiv.
You must build trust.
It must connect with the brand’s audience.
6- Barriers to Emotional Marketing
Like any marketing strategy, this one also has its limitations and Élia listed the main ones so  ws data  that you can take them into account when making your planning.

The audience prefers multimedia messages .
Nobody reads (that’s why Video Marketing is booming ).
Everyone is busy .
Marketing produces too much noise . The brain filters out what interests flexible response of intelligent strategies  it most, which is what meets its needs, and emotions are an essential part of them.
The Internet is oversaturated .
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