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A family with many children open

Last year we were the first camp for adults here, this year dozens will open. This will be the case in all regions, and I don’t see any point in developing new territories if there is such an unexplor one as ours. As for gadgets, on the contrary, we do everything so that the guys can easily charge them, so that they can get a connection and work on a laptop.

It’s just that at some point no one wants to do this

We are not the kind of people who go into the forest and live in a hut, because you can’t escape digitalization. If it weren’t for Instagram*, then perhaps no one would have known about us. That’s why I look at the Internet as an opportunity and our strong point.

Bringing the Russian dacha back into fashion:

How a guest house in the Tula region April 11, 2024 In 2019, the guest house ” Usadba Bekhovo ” open in a village on the territory of the Polenovo nature reserve. The creators, the Shumakovs from Moscow, mov to the Tula region for the sake of ios database their children and initially did not think about the hotel business: they bought an old neighboring house to receive family guests.


ios database


Plans chang during the renovation:

The Shumakovs found interesting things from the previous owners and want to share their treasures. Villa owner Natalia Shumakova told us how to by the way, if you are now thinking of open a guest house bas on the local farming community, whether the status of one of the most beautiful villages in the world helps the business.

How hoteliers are coping with the departure of

Large aggregators from Russia. Victoria Potapova Text: Victoria Potapova From city dwellers to farmers The Shumakov family mov to Bekhovo in the usa data Tula region in 2009 to raise their five children in nature.

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