Home » Blog » 5 reasons why the cell phone number is fatal in customer service

5 reasons why the cell phone number is fatal in customer service

When contacting a company directly . However, some companies, especially smaller businesses or start-ups, are reluctant to set up a and instead use a conventional mobile phone number as the central contact number. Often because it is “simply already there”.

Disillusionment usually sets in quickly. Because the supposedly simple and resource-saving way often has the opposite effect in reality!


These 5 disadvantages of a mobile phone number in customer service compared to a service number



1. A cell phone number makes your company look unprofessional

A by MindTake Research confirms: Customers rate a mobile phone number as less professional than adue to its “private nature” . A mobile phone number can therefore have a negative impact on your trustworthiness . Never risk the trust that your customers place in you. It is your guarantee for higher sales.

2. A mobile number limits your accessibility

Even if you can’t believe it in the start-up phase: There are more scenarios in which a cell phone number is inconvenient for customer service than you think.

How do you react to calls in your free time or on vacation ? What do you do when your cell phone rings on the weekend? Or late at night? If you’re ill? Of course morocco phone number library you could switch off your cell phone, but then your company would not be reachable – and your callers would not be informed of the reason or alternative contact options.

Thanks to aas a general contact number, you can counteract these challenges professionally right from the start. Don’t worry: a service number is quick, easy and inexpensive to set up.

Even as a one-man or one-woman business, you can offer telephone support at set times thanks to a service number. Every 0800 number can also be easily forwarded to domestic and foreign cell phones.

3. A mobile number hinders your employees’ workflow


morocco phone number library

Imagine your company is growing. Let’s assume that after several months you are no longer working alone, but with a team. The advantage: you can assign your team to deal with daily customer contact – after all, your employees also have a company cell phone. But how do you ensure that the caller is connected to the right contact person? What do you do when employees change positions or even leave the company?

It is therefore not very professional to use the mobile number of one of your employees as a contact number. So our tip: support your employees in handling this and we at elit-web customer calls efficiently by using a professional telephone system in the background right from the start. Thanks to you can manage incoming calls efficiently – your employees will thank you.

4. A mobile phone number does not indicate free of charge

0800 service numbers are completely free for callers – the cost of the call is always borne by the company providing the hotline number. The customer proximity and willingness to provide service shown in this way pays off: Free 0800 numbers have been proven to generate up to a quarter more calls for orders than conventional contact numbers.

And what’s more, a good service experience on the phone has a lasting positive impact on customer loyalty . So don’t miss the opportunity to give your company a competitive advantage over the competition thanks to outstanding customer service!

Last but not least: If you use a cell phone number as your central contact number, you are missing out on the opportunity to use numerous practical and efficient customer service features. Individual announcements, waiting loops, selection menus and direct dial numbers – there are many ways to adapt a service number 100% to the needs of your company and your customers using

All of these advantages are denied to you with a simple cell phone number, or are at least only partially realizable.


Conclusion: Professional from the start thanks to the service number!

Excellent customer service pays off: Companies with agenerate up to 25 percent more customer contact and ultimately higher sales.

There is a persistent rumor that setting up a service australia data hotline would be an expensive investment. What many people don’t know is that a service number is often cheaper than a traditional cell phone contract. See for yourself in our .

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