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“The use that criminals can give to

A person’s eyes, face, features, and voice could all be clon using AI.
Imagine receiving a video or audio from a lov one telling you that they are kidnapp, not knowing that it was generat throughartificial intelligence(IA).

Would you try to pay the ransom?

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What would you think if, despite the apparent veracity of w accurate mobile phone number list hat you saw, it turn out that you had been deceiv?

The person’s eyes, face, features, and voice would all have been clon using AI.

With the advancement of technology, cybercriminals are on the threshold of more sophisticat criminal processes, although they have already made use of AI.

AI is very broad and will continue to grow as more methods are expos to the public .”

Luis Pro García, a forensic computer expert, said.
The ability to clone faces, for example, is known as “ deepfake ,” and is done from videos of a person.

“ It requires a certain amo f video time, which is why they usually do it with artists and politicians.”

“In the case of an ordinary person it is more difficult, but if it is a person who posts a lot, yes we can be in that possibility .”

He warn.
The specialist comment that, however, they have seen cases of “deepfake” with small videos that were generat from a single photo.

“Imagine the president or the Pope apparently gesticulating, asking for financial support for a good c turkey data ause, then. A type of fraud deriv from identity theft is generat, which was also done through AI.”

“It will suddenly be very difficult for

us to identify what is authentic and what is not.”

He point out .
Voice cloning
“There is already AI that allows you to clone your voice. I imagine a ban spring cleaning: 5 simple tips on how to tidy up your telephone king situation where a bank makes decisions bas on your voice .”

He add.
In cases of clon es. The files can even be offer as evidence in a judicial process without knowing whether they are real.

In cases of clon voices. The fi n even be offer as evidence in a judicial process without knowing whether they are real.

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