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The basics of working with SSH

sentence It Works! You don’t need any additional software to work with SSH on Linux and Mac OSX, you can use the system terminal. In Windows, you need an SSH client, and I recommend the PuTTy program . In the (emulator) terminal, you connect to the server with the command ssh In PuTTy, you just fill in the IP address and the login is already in progress to the remote server terminal. You can also copy the password and paste it into the terminal by clicking the right button (or Ctrl+Shift+V).

Connecting via SSH

Let’s assume that we have a pure Linux system, to which we have full Root access, and with it the method and security of logging is set on the server. After logging in, be aware that you are working as Root – i.e. the system administrator and you have absolute rights. So you can delete all server data with one command. Only execute commands that you know the meaning of. We recommend changing your password when logging in for the first time; type ” passwd ” and choose a new strong password. Let’s take a look at what you can do on the server and the basic commands.


Basic terminal commands
You can control the entire server through the terminal , and it is not possible to list all the commands here. You can also install other programs and expand the functionality even further. Therefore, we will focus on the most used commands.


Management software
Update repositories (search for updates in repositories): apt-get update
Software update (installs philippines phone number data found updates): apt-get upgrade

Software installation : apt-get install

Uninstall: apt-get remove [package name], or . purge [package name] Purge also removes configuration files that are not deleted by Remove.
File management

phone number data

Opening the file for editing (I recommend the Nano editor) : nano [file name] Nano is closed by pressing Ctrl+X and Y/N ((does not) confirm saving changes).
Move to directory: cd
Listing the contents of the this aims to make it easier for other directory: ls -[parameter], for example ls -ahl
The parameter -a lists hidden files as well, -h lists file sizes in an understandable wa mv file1.txt renamed file.txt
To deletame, folder]
For folders, a distinction is made cmo email list between deleting an empty folder  folder the IP address of the server in the browser.

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