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According to a study by consulting

Everyone is tired of reading about how everyone is doing badly because of the crisis. Let’s read about those who are doing well.

It took a pandemic and several months of quarantine to accelerate the trend that was already unfolding in the market. During this time, e-commerce grocery sales have reached an unprecedented level, and this is understandable: it is now much easier and safer to place an order online and wait for delivery.

We closely follow egrocery

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and periodically write about how the industry is developing. But if last year and the year before everything moved linearly and predictably.

2020 changed the game for online grocery retail around the world.

Only 3-4% of grocery spending was online before the coronavir updated 2024 mobile phone number data us outbreak in the United States. The serious situation in the countrata consumers to change their habits, and this figure has grown

fivefold – to 10-15%. And although the number will decrease again as the crisis recedes, experts predict that grocery sales will remain at a higher level – 5-10%.

It must be said that the pre-crisis percentage in the United States is far from the highest. For example, in South Korea, China and the UK, they switched to online grocery shopping much faster. According to Bain, Kantar and For data on rester, the share in these countries was 19%, 14% and 7%, respectively. During the pandemic, the figures also increased, but the sources do not specify by how much.

Egrocery growth in Russia

Since the beginning of self-isolation, the demand for grocery delivery has also increased – according to some experts, not just several times, but by orders of magnitude. On May 13, the consulting company INF installing an automatic backup and protection OLine published data for the first quarter of 2020, according to which online orders in April increased 3.3 times to 135 billion rubles. At the same time, expre eached 30 billion, which is almost four times more than the sales volume for the same period a year ago (700 million).

However, the volume of egrocery, even with record growth rates, is only 0.8% of the food market. There is an opinion that people in self-isolation, having tried delivery, preferred regular stores – simply as a way to get out of  s is the conclusion made by NGENIX, which conducted its own research for March and April.